Shikha Kaiwar

Shikha Kaiwar

Shikha Kaiwar
Members Public

A Love Letter to Tarts, Then and Now

Featuring a rice pudding tart with macerated strawberries and toasted almonds. Some things change, some things stay the same. Tarts are what I return to time and time again. Every time I make them, it feels like that scene in Hercules there the planets align and draw a line between

Shikha Kaiwar
Members Public

A Food Journey in Rio De Janeiro

There is no better place in the world for food than in a tropical climate during the summer. The produce is unimaginable, and to experience it feels almost sinful. Nature just makes food like this without asking?! What did we do to deserve food like this? I just got back

Shikha Kaiwar
Members Public

Finding Royalty in the Oven

I’ve made galette des rois every year since moving to London. Last year, I filled it with a dense Nutella frangipane. The year before, my first year in London, I made a traditional one, of which there is no photographic evidence apart from some scribbles in my notebook. I

Shikha Kaiwar
Members Public

Navigating relevancy and creativity (ft. a cake)

By several measures, I am not a relevant person. I don't watch reality cooking shows (no, not even Great British Bake Off). I did not make sourdough starter during the pandemic. I do not like macarons. I did not eat soufflé pancakes in Japan (they aren't

Shikha Kaiwar
Members Public

Eat a Pastry, Eat the World: My Interview on the Experience Explorer

A conversation with experiences expert Christina Herbach about the intersectionality of desserts, design, and exploring the world more deeply.

Shikha Kaiwar
Members Public

A Personal Celebration of World Nutella Day

Today is World Nutella Day! It's a silly day, in the way that Ice Cream Day is a day and Chocolate Chip Cookie Day is a day. There are more foods than there are days in a year, so a food rarely gets to claim a day as

Shikha Kaiwar
Members Public

Recipe: Nutella-Swirled Banana Bread

One of my golden rules of being a pastry cook is to never, ever be too good to make banana bread. No matter what level of baking you're at, you can always learn something from banana bread. It's a pastry that's stupefyingly easy, frustratingly

Shikha Kaiwar
Members Public

Travel Guide: Andalucía, Spain

I was physically incapable of rushing in Spain. Maybe it was because we visited for two weeks, as the generous holiday policies of Europe allowed us to do. But mostly, it seemed due to the very nature of Andalucía, a region that after eight hundred (!) years of Moorish rule, seems

Shikha Kaiwar
Members Public

Fine dining isn’t at a crossroads because of Noma. We are.

Since the announcement of Noma closing, several articles have been written touting its accolades, innovation, and alleged toxic workplace. These discussions spawn nostalgia and clickbait headlines, but they aren’t focused on what I believe is the most important fact—Noma closing isn’t changing the food world that much.

Shikha Kaiwar
Members Public

Recipe: Nutella-rum galette des rois (or de reines)

I'd never made a galette de rois before because well, I'm not French nor religious. In California, these galettes were uncommon, and as of the last two years, 6th Jan has bleakly become the anniversary of the attempted coup of the American government. In Europe however,

Shikha Kaiwar
Members Public

2023 ins and outs, and some newsletter updates

"Ins" and "outs" felt less serious that resolutions and more realistic. Or maybe I just want to be Gen Z—playful with language instead of succumbing to the millennial urge to take everything very seriously.

Shikha Kaiwar
Members Public

A recipe for puff pastry, and your life

Good pastry derives from a good recipe. Great pastry relies on a good recipe plus a cook's intuition on how to use that recipe. How do you know when the dough is mixed enough, wet enough, dry enough, supple enough? How do you really know when it's really ready?